Friday, January 13, 2023

Migraine Mania!!!!

January 13, 2023 5:00 P.M. Cloudy & Cold The last few months has been hectic with the migraines. They haven't dropped back at all; they are more radical. I wake up to a migraine every day! Life is difficult enough without adding daily migraines to the mix. This migraine started about 3 a.m. and it's still here at 5:02 p.m. I've taken medicine before bed and I've taken it again about two hours ago and still no relief. Definitely not starting my weekend out on a good note!

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

72 Hours

November 17, 2020 9:16 pm Cold and windy Just want to thank God that the pain has finally stopped late this morning. I battled for 72 hours with this horrid migraine. It completely ruined the first few days of this week. I am so far behind in laundry but I did some catching up this afternoon. The kids went back in the school building this week, Monday and Tuesday. It's 4 hours, twice a week and every other Wednesday. I guess the kids can use a break from being online all morning. My youngest says her eyes need a big break from the laptop screen. Needless to say I definitely needa break from computer screen because it's not helpng with the migraines. Tomorrow is a new day, and I pray it's a pain free day. Good night! T.D.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Back to the pain!

Good morning, It seems as if it's been raining all week and it's messing with my head! I love the sound of the rain against the house but I hate the effects it has on my head. Rain brings on the migraine pain! I knew the migraines would be more frequent due to online schooling with the children. My eyes are on the screen more often which makes matters worse. I've noticed new things that have been taken place with the migraines now. I have vertigo with them and my brain tingles and I feel faint. I have a lot of neck pain. When the migraine starts to fade out and about 30 minutes after it stops I'll get sharp, shooting pains in my head. I call them "Migraine Aftershocks". Looking forward to better days! Have a great weekend! T.D.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Monday's Migraine

August 14, 2018
5:49 p.m.
Partly cloudy

          Today started out rough and rainy. Woke up with a really harsh migraine and back pain. Happy the pain has finally subsided and I can concentrate on getting the back pain out of the way. I have a life I want to get back to. Have a blessed evening everyone!


Thursday, August 9, 2018


August 9, 2018                                                                 (Migraine)
10:12 a.m.
Hot & Humid

Good morning,
      The humidity has been off the chain! The last two weeks has been hot and humid, Lord knows I definitely wouldn't last a minute in hell. Thank God for Jesus, salvation and heaven! Last week I had a 3 day migraine from hell. That thing would not stop and the humidity just added more flame to the fire. I thought I was going to meet my maker last week. Migraines are so much more harsh in the summer months for me. I guess the storms of life and the stress it can bring on makes the pain pound a little harder as well. I just pray the Lord keeps giving me the strength to continue doing what I need to do in spite of the pain. I have a life to live and kids to raise in the midst of debilitating pain that lasts for hours at a time. I just took two Extra Strength Tylenol and sipping my morning coffee, praying the pain goes away soon. The sun is shining brightly and the skies are blue and beautiful; I hope I get to enjoy the day. Wishing you all a blessed and prosperous day in the Lord.


Friday, March 31, 2017

Migraine morning....Ugggghhhhhh

March 31, 2017
Friday 11:52 a.m.
Chilly, grey, and raining outside

         The rain last night and this morning is not a friend of mine. The rainy weather always gets my head to hurting. I am scheduled to be at my daughter's school by 1 and I am not ready! The pain is not ceasing and my sleepiness is trying to take control. It feels like my pulse is sitting right between my eyes. Time to get Faith and myself ready to head out to MiAsha's school. Have a good one! God bless all!

Tamika Davis

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Sunday not fun day

       The last few days has been really rough on my head. The migraines triggered by my cycle are getting harder and harder to get relief. They last long and they don't budge even when I take medicine for pain. I wake up to major head and neck pain. Every morning I have head pain but it either begins to ease off by noon or kicks up into high gear and ruins my day.
        I am sipping some coffee and about to take some extra strength Tylenol to see if I can get some relief. I want to enjoy at least a few hours of this day with my kids. The sun is shining and it seems to be a beautiful day outside my window. It's already 1:12 pm and I need to get dressed and get things moving around here. I still have to cook and get the kids snacks for the week for school. I pray the kids go down at a decent time tonight because I can really use the rest. Enjoy the rest of this lovely day all!

God bless!